The new committee appointed in April are going from strength to strength ensuring the club continues to thrive and attract new members in the local area.
The committee are dedicated to offering members entertainment and facilities for the whole family throughout the year and hire the facilities to local charities and other local organisations.
The committee value your feedback so if you would like to email us your views and suggestions we would b very grateful.
Exterior Security Lights installed outside the entrance and in the rear car park area.
Security mortice locks installed to vulnerable doors inside the club
Bye-Laws and Rule Book updated with approval of the latter from the FCA.
New Fire doors installed in the function room
Work on eliminating damp in Bar Managers lounge completed and the room redecorated.
Agreement reached with the Pigeon Club to remove the existing hut and to be replaced with a smaller one located from sight.
Working Party 20/7/2019 completed many external jobs including spreading top soil around the garden area and internal repainting where necessary.
Fences around the Memorial garden treated with preservative.
Tarmac laid to badly worn areas of the car park.
New shower room installed in Bar managers bathroom and that room redecorated.
Snooker room totally redecorated.